
Giving is Living


To those who survived first date fiascos, we hope you are feeling some love this Valentine’s Day. Speaking of love, we were curious about how generous Americans are feeling these days. Are our hearts as inflated as the price of milk and eggs?


Over the past year, more than one-in-four (26%) Americans donated to a charitable organization at least once a month. Looks like some gentlemen have good karma coming their way—32% of men donated monthly, compared to just 20% of women. Even when taking into account income and employment, men were more likely to donate to charitable causes than women. Men’s hearts are both metaphorically and literally bigger than women’s—unfortunately they are also metaphorically and literally more susceptible to heart diseases…



Americans say they are most likely to donate to crisis relief and medical research organizations. I guess nothing inspires generosity like a global panini (and actual paninis causing heart diseases?)! Men are more keen to open their pocketbooks to political organizations and philanthropic foundations, while women are more likely to give to crisis relief organizations, advocacy/human rights groups, and animal rights organizations. Understandably, they must still have Sarah McLachlan stuck in their heads.


When it comes to motivations to give, Americans feel most charitable when the cause is aligned with their personal values. Boomers, however, are more likely to care about the reputation of the organization (30%, compared to 20% overall), while Gen Z (15%) and Millennials (12%) are more likely to care about their personal reputation (compared to 8% overall). I mean, do you really care if you didn’t post a selfie about it? #selflessselfies